making an impact.
Help us make an impact and change Veteran employment statistics
Your support of MedTechVets helps bridge the gap for high-achieving Veterans seeking their next mission in life. Help military Veterans transition and find with purpose in the Medical Technology Industry through education, mentoring, and networking.
Partnering With MedTechVets
Your partnership with MedTechVets is vital in our mission to revolutionize Veteran employment and see them through a successful transition from the military to civilian jobs. MedTechVets is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit connecting medtech and life sciences companies with talented Veterans ready to serve a purpose. Your donations are tax-deductible and used to offer our services 100% free to Veterans to equip them in becoming leaders and innovators.
Our Corporate and community partners are as unique as each Veteran we serve. We believe great things are achieved through teamwork and goal-oriented action. We look forward to increasing your company’s initiatives and partnering with you on the mission to find passionate and dedicated talent.
Benefits of Partnership With MedTechVets
Pipeline development for recruiters
Employee engagement opportunity
Develop co-branded engagement opportunities
Access to Veteran talent including resume booklets and interaction
Increase the strength of your brand
Exclusive invitations to MedTechVets events
MedTechVets’ network is growing. The network now includes nearly 100 medical device and life science companies, hundreds of mentors, and thousands of Veterans. Although MedTechVets continues to expand, our work is not done until every Veteran has the support they need to successfully transition to a civilian career.
Corporate Social Responsibility Through Partnership
Partnering with MedTechVets allows your company to demonstrate its commitment to corporate social responsibility by supporting transition services for Veterans. But it doesn’t stop there.
As a partner, you’ll have the ability to build connections with Veterans in the MedTechVets Foundational Program. This provides an easy way for your recruiters to seek the best-fit candidates to fill openings within your company.
Hiring Veterans strengthens your brand and takes your corporate social responsibility one step further while also providing your company with well-suited employees. Receive a yearly OFCCP Compliance Report for all of your involvement to increase your diversity and inclusion with Veterans.
84% of MedTechVets graduates are still with the same company they accepted a role at.
Here are what our partners and Veterans are saying
2022 Fall Foundational Program
2022 Summer Foundational Program
MedTechVets is a registered 501(c)(3), all donations are tax-deductible.
Community Partners
Our community partners include organizations with Veteran-focused initiatives, executive recruiting firms, Medical Device companies, and even individuals who are passionate about supporting Veterans.
Mentors for the MedTechVets Foundational and Executive Programs
Volunteering to lead an Foundational Program session or review resumes for Foundational Program participants
Sponsoring a small piece of the Foundational Program or Networking Conference