JUL 6TH– We were proud to interview MedTechVets Program Mentor, Scott Nelson. Scott is currently the Marketing Strategist for Wound Management and Surgical Reconstruction at LifeNet Health.
Veterans have so much to offer but often limit their self-promotion which makes entering an entirely new industry very difficult. Our med tech space would benefit so much from these transitioning members that have incredible skills and experience.
What led you to obtain a role within the MedTech space?
My entry into med tech was very incidental. My transition was like most, very un-structured and simply a new day with no job. I was very fortunate to find a start-up in the space that provided me an entry level role to gain a foothold in this industry.
What led you to become a mentor for MedTechVets?
Veterans have so much to offer but often limit their self-promotion which makes entering an entirely new industry very difficult. Our med tech space would benefit so much from these transitioning members that have incredible skills and experience.
What has your mentorship journey with MedTechVets been like?
It has been wonderful, I’ve made so many new connections and friends across this space. Every course or mentee affords such a wonderful opportunity to not only reflect my experiences, but each one brings me new insights and reflections – I learn as much as them.
The power of a conversation. I have seen so many positive outcomes that simply came about by directed outreach, and positive follow-through.
Any advice for veterans?
Get uncomfortable! Narrow your focus into an area you want, network, outreach, network some more. Learn the new language, translate your skills and don’t be afraid to start.
What are your key takeaways from being a mentor?
The power of a conversation. I have seen so many positive outcomes that simply came about by directed outreach, and positive follow-through. It’s more than networking, it’s seeing people take such control of their journey and how powerful that mindset truly is.
Interested in connecting with Scott?
Connect with Matt on LinkedIn Here
About MedTechVets
MedTechVets is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit serving Veterans during career transition and beyond. Our Vision is to build a bridge to help Veterans find meaningful employment in the Medical Technology Industry.
We bridge the gap for Veterans by providing personalized career transition services, mentorship, and career development guidance. We serve Veterans who plan to enter the MedTech, Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical, or Medical Device industries.
MedTechVets is proud to have the endorsement of Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed).
When a Veteran’s military skills and experiences are translated to civilian language, recruiting managers see the benefits of hiring a qualified Veteran. Veterans are able to see the roles within the MedTech, Medical Device, Life Sciences, and Pharmaceutical industries that would best suit their skill set and career aspirations.
MedTechVets Foundational Program is a specialized program that provides more than generic advice about transitioning into medical-related career fields.
If you would like to learn more information about MedTechVets, please go to our page https://mvpvets2014dev.wpengine.com/contact-us/.